I am registered in the Link2Trials database. Am I required to participate in a trial?

You are never required to participate in a trial. Your registration in the Link2Trials database only indicates you may be interested in participating in a clinical trial. When you see a clinical trial listed on our website that interests you, or if we recommend a suitable trial, you can review the information regarding the research on our website and apply if you like.

I have applied for several trials, but have never been accepted for any. Will I ever be able to participate in a trial?

This problem mostly occurs with people who have a medical condition or are using medication, and are applying for trials requesting healthy volunteers. Even if you may feel healthy, certain clinical trials will not accept anybody with a medical condition or medication listed in their profile.

You can apply for clinical trials that include your medical condition. You can usually also apply for other research such as nutritional research, psychological research or medical device testing.

It is important to note that every research has its own selection criteria and your personal details will need to be reviewed for each trial that you apply for.

Should I report the compensation I received for a study as income tax?

The compensation you may receive are always gross fees. In other words, these need to be reported to your tax authority. Depending on your personal situation and other sources of income, you may be required to pay income taxes over the received compensation. Any travel costs that have been reimbursed, do not count as income and do not have to be reported as such to your tax authority.

How is the amount a participant is compensated for a study determined?

The compensation depends on the duration of your stay at the research facility and the amount of assessments that are done and their associated burden. The amount of compensation does not in any way relate to the amount of risks involved with any particular trial.

Are there in any risks involved?

Participating in a clinical trial is never without risk. For more information please refer to the information pages on safety and risks.

Is there a trial specific insurance?

The research facility will always have a study specific insurance, as this is required by law and verified by the Regulatory Authority and/or Medical Ethics Committee. Information regarding the insurance policy is generally included in the information pamphlet (informed consent form) you receive prior to consenting to the study. If you have any questions regarding the insurance for your specific study, please direct these questions to your investigator.

Can I still withdraw from the study, if I change my mind halfway?

Yes, volunteers may withdraw from a study at any time for any reason. You will receive compensation for the duration that you participated in the study. If you are required to stop due to extenuating circumstances or due to side effects (in the opinion of the investigator), the exact fee will be determined together on a case by case basis.

What are in- and exclusion criteria ?

The in- and exclusion criteria are medical or social standards that determine whether a person is suitable to participate in clinical trial (or other research). These criteria are based on factors such as age, gender medical conditions and previous or ongoing treatments. The in- and exclusion criteria are meant to select the participants that are suitable for the trials and to guarantee the safety of the trial subjects.

What is the Medical Ethics Committee ?

The Medical Ethics Committee, sometimes also called the Institutional Ethics Committee or the Institutional Review Board, is an independent committee consisting of medical doctors, pharmacists and lawyers. The committee reviews all study related materials before and during the trial. The committee assesses the scientific design of the protocol, the safety of the trial subjects and the feasibility. Clinical research cannot be started without the approval of a Medical Ethics Committee.


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